Purchased Leave Agreement

Purchased vacations are considered a service and claims will therefore be generated during the holiday period purchased. (h) in the event of termination of employment, the leave balance purchased is compensated and the balance is calculated on the regular base salary; When your purchase agreement ends, we will vote to ensure that the deductions match the value of the leave you took. Vacation purchased – Purchased leave is unpaid leave, which is funded by an employee by 14-day pre-tax wage deductions over 26 14-day pay periods. The 14-day pre-tax deduction is accumulated and held by the university and is called by the employee as a salary during a period of purchased leave. This leave is complementary to your regular annual leave. The purchase leave does not affect your share of service. 35.5 Acquired leave is funded by a corresponding reduction in the agent`s annual salary. Purchased leave is a flexible work agreement that allows an employee to obtain up to 4 weeks of leave for 26 14-day service periods. To qualify for a purchased leave, you must have at the time of your application: a staff member can apply to the supervisor and/or agent for flexible employment agreements to obtain up to 4 weeks of leave via the “Purchased Leave Form” form. The aim of this guideline is to assist Queensland authorities and authorities in effectively implementing and managing leave. These guidelines accompany the provisions of Ministerial Directive 8/06 Special Leave, Ministerial Directive 6/06 leave without pay, which is considered a service, and agreements on public sector wage negotiations in Queensland 2005-2007.

Your purchased vacation withdrawals will continue if you take time off during the agreement, with the exception of leave without payment. (g) the increase in the allowance is not paid during an acquired leave; (a) The period of leave acquired refers to leave taken in accordance with paragraphs 35.2 – 35.6; 35.2 All employed employees and temporary agents over 12 months can receive up to four additional weeks of leave over a 12-month period. Additional leave can be obtained in one week in stages up to 4 weeks maximum. If the vote leads to a difference between the amount deducted and the value of the leave taken, you will either: (b) The rate of leave purchased means that the rate of pay that the employee receives when his base salary plus salary expenses have been reduced to cover the vacation expenses purchased. To calculate the rate of pay for the leave purchased, the employee`s base salary, plus all salary expenses, is reduced by the number of days of leave purchased and then annualized on a pro-rata basis over a 12-month period. In exceptional cases, an officer may ask the data protection delegate to change the approved leave plan. We strive to improve work-life balance. As a CSU employee, you can purchase up to four weeks of leave in addition to your annual vacation rights.

This leave is funded by 14-day wage deductions. You can benefit from the leave purchased with the consent of your supervisor. You can take at least one day off and you must take the total leave purchased within three months of the final wage deduction. (a) the officer must have an annual leave balance of at least four weeks at the time of the claim for leave; Specialized/general staff requesting acquired leave should maintain their hourly sliding credits below 16 hours for each billing period.