Verb Agreement With Collective Nouns Worksheet

In each sentence below, select the right verb. Scroll down to see the answers. 2. The Mock Trial team was satisfied with their statements to the judge. The team is plural because separate presentations have been made. If the plural is used there, it means that the collective noun is used as a plural. 3. Nearly 25% of the population is Muslim. The word population is a collective noun which, according to the author`s intention, can take either a singular verb or a plural verb. The point here is that this percentage represents only one group. If the sentence indicates more individuality, use a plural verb.

A collective Nov is used to refer to an entire group of people, animals or things; it therefore includes more than one member. For example, the noun collective family represents parents and children. A pack contains a lot of wolves. A flotilla consists of several boats. But there are a few cases where a singular collective noun actually expresses a plural idea and requires a plural verb. The following guidelines will help you decide whether a single collective noun takes a singular or a plural verb. We often use individual nouns that involve groups of people (for example. B the team, the government, the committee), as if they were plural.

This is because we often see the group as people who do things that people do (eat, want, feel, etc.). In such cases, we use a plural verb. (We must then ensure that other words agree – them rather than them, who instead of the.) If all members of a collective substantive perform an action as a unit (and this is usually the case), use a singular verb. For example, 12% of the list volunteered to help with the fundraiser. Do you use a singular or plural verb to match a collective noun like team or staff? The answer is that it depends. If these names act as a unit, use a singular verb. The appropriate themes and verbs seem simple. But confusion can arise when collective nouns are used as subjects. 2. The fictitious trial team was/were satisfied with their submissions before the judge.

We start with a box, and the plural is boxing; But the plural of beef should be oxen, not oxen. Then there is a poultry goose, but two geese are called; But the plural of momentum should never be meese. The male pronouns are him, his and him, but imagine the woman her, shis, and shim. So our English, I think you all agree, is the most difficult language you`ve ever seen. Find out who and who influences and act, themes and verbs, adjectives and adverbs, commas, semicolons, quotation marks and much more, simply by assigning yourself and taking advantage of these easy-to-understand lessons. Tell your colleagues (and bosses), children, teachers and friends. Click here to see. A pluralistic collective noun takes on a plural verb: families enjoy this restaurant. How do you know that work, not work, is the plural? Think about the word you would use with him and the word you would use with them.

To learn more about the agreement between the subject and the verb, click here. A current-stretched verb (as well as a simple form of anterior verb) must match in number with its subject.