Fort Campbell Collective Bargaining Agreement

88 Michigan Ave.931-431-6800www.forteracu.comLobby Hours: 8:30 a.m. .m. at 4:30 p.m.m. Monday to Friday, 9 .m to 1.m. Saturday and 8 .m to 17.m. military pay days. Drive-thru Window Hours: 8 .m. to 17.m. Monday to Friday and .m 9 at 1.m.

Saturday. Before the arbitrator, the Agency stated that the victim had been given a five-day suspension, in accordance with the parties` agreement and the regulations in force, because the victim had used the vehicle for purposes other than an official purpose. The Union argued before the arbitrator that the victim was using the vehicle for official purposes when she stopped at the Union office to provide the funds collected to the employee who had lost his home as a result of a fire. The Agency notes that “the [A]rbitrator found that the complaint pending him concerned the challenge to labour agreements in time of compensation instead of overtime.” Opposition to 2. The Agency notes that “the lack of a definition of the issue of the wording of the question by an arbitrator is the subject of serious claims.” Id. (U.S. Department of the Army, Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1815, 40 FLRA 94, 97 (1991)). The Agency argues that the EU exception is merely a non-formulation of the arbitrator`s wording.

The Agency denied the request for bereavement for overtime pay and the complaint was referred to arbitration. During the oral proceedings before the arbitrator, the Agency challenged the topicality and predictability of the appeal. The arbitrator found that section 40, section 40-13 of the parties` collective agreement provides that a complaint “must be resumed within 15 calendar days of the date of the complaint or within 15 days of the worker`s first knowledge of the incident from the worker`s direct hierarchy.” Article 40, sections 40 to 13 of the agreement. Fort Campbell Courier is the weekly postal newspaper that serves the entire Fort Campbell community, including soldiers, family members, retirees and civilians. It will be distributed on Thursday evening in post office quarters and specially marked newspaper boxes, both on and off the post office. The Courier can also be read online at The Staff Judge Advocate Legal Assistance Office advises and assists in cases of legal problems, including, but not limited, domestic relations, non-assistance, consumer protection, immigration and taxation. It also provides assistance in the production of documents such as proxies and wills. It is recommended that all leases, contracts, contracts, etc., be sent to the mutual legal aid office for verification prior to signing.