Texas Private Road Maintenance Agreement

Sharing a private street with your neighbors can be a great way to keep everyone calm if you`re doing your homework. “Normal evolution, unless you have a bit of scum, whoever does it will have provisions related to street maintenance,” says Richard E. Glaze, a real estate lawyer in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. “If there are no maintenance rules, you`re in trouble.” The example above is not so scary, but what if you find a home in a small commune, on a country road or on a dirt or gravel road? Often there is no link and there is no agreement for road maintenance. David Plott, an engineer and former public planning consultant, suggests that neighbours meet in situations without a private street maintenance agreement to find common ground and realize that a high-end road will increase everyone`s real estate values. “Have a big party together and do it,” he says. “I insist on the whole game. It`s got to be everybody. The biggest problem arises when there is no private road contract. Worse still, the idea of getting about 40 landowners to sign a contract before the conclusion. David Plott, an engineer and former public planning consultant, proposes that neighbours meet in situations without a private road maintenance agreement to find common ground and recognize that a quality street will increase the real estate values of all. “Have a big party together and do it,” he says.

“I insist on the whole game. It`s got to be everybody. Sharing a private street with your neighbours can be a great way to keep everyone calm – if you`re doing your homework. Fortunately, there are some possible solutions to this problem: veterans` management is stricter than the FHA on private roads. Chapter 12 of the VA Manual states that “private roads must be protected by a sustainable facility and maintained by a owners` association or a common maintenance contract.” There are time bombs in the process of buying a home that can explode in the last hour without preparation. Such a dreaded last-second request sounds like, “Please send us the private road maintenance contract.” Too often, there is no maintenance contract.