A Hike Up Faro

Gary on top of Faro

Today Denise and I went for a hike up Faro.

It was a wonderful morning and not too hot. With water bottles full and backpacks donned, we headed out towards the malecon for our adventure. Along the way we stopped to take pictures of our new condo building.

Denise in front of our condo building
Denise in front of our condo building

As we got towards the clavadista spot, we also checked out the dolphins and the other monuments. We will definitely need to come back and have a day of taking pictures of the various monuments along the malecon.

As we hiked through Cerro de Vigio we checked out one of the overlooks we hadn´t been to before, and took a few pictures.

Overlook in Cerro de Vigia
Overlook in Cerro de Vigia

It was then on towards Faro and the steep climb. As expected there were many people on the trail, even as the temperature warmed. We took a few opportunities to take a few pictures along the way. People were still getting there runs in on the hill, and I hope someday I can get back to running the hill.

looking to isla de la piedra while going up faro
looking to isla de la piedra while going up faro

When we reached the top, we had a rest and took a few pictures.

Gary on top of Faro
Gary on top of Faro

We didn´t go out on the glass overlook as they now charge for it (it was free back in June) and it really isn´t as exciting as it may seem. After we had a drink and were rested, we headed back down. After reaching the bottom, and getting back across the causeway, we hiked up the stairs to the La Marea, and it looks like they were open for business now. We will have to check that out some day.

A Princess Cruise Ship had dumped its load of tourists on the town, and the Pulmonias and vendors were having a good time showing them around and selling them things they desperately needed 🙂

We walked back through cerro de vigio, and stopped in Olas Altas at Fonda del Chalios for desayuno. After some coffee and food to get us going again, we headed over to the market near the Torre Eme and got some veggies and fruit for later.

We ended our day back in our temporary condo enjoying another perfect sunset.

It was a great morning and hike, and even better after having a rest. Some additional pictures are below:
