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Garden Valley Weather - Local Weather Conditions

Current Weather Conditions For Garden Valley

Conditions at
7:45am on 9/10/17




Partly cloudy and cooler

Dew Point 43.4 °F Today's Extremes
Humidity 42% High Temperature 75.1°F at 12:00am
Barometer 29.98in
Rate 0.023in/hr
Low Temperature 67.2°F at 7:39am
Wind Direction WNW° High Heat Index 74.9°F at 12:00am
Heat Index 67.3 °F UV Index (High/Avg) 0.0 0.0
UV Index 0.0 Solar W/m2 (High/Avg) 0 0
Solar 0 w/m2 Peak Wind Gust 0mph at 12:00am
Rainfall for Today 0.00 in Yesterday's Extremes
Total Rainfall 34.51in High Temperature 80.2°F at 6:17pm
Astronomical Data Low Temperature 60.9°F at 8:32am
Sunrise 7:20am Daily Difference 5.9°F difference
Sunset 8:05pm Station Temperatures
Moonrise 10:53pm Current Garage 67.0
Moonset 12:04pm Current Shop 0.0
      Current Loft 75.0
      Yesterday Low (Loft) 73.8°F at 9:11am
      Daily Difference 1.0 °F difference


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Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet
Updated Automatically by Ambient Software's Virtual Weather Station  V14.01