Mazatlan 2020 Carnaval

Mazatlan has the World’s 3rd largest Carnaval celebration after Rio and New Orleans. As I am getting around better this year, we got to see…

Sharp Hospital Inflated Bill - Fraud? Likely!

The Story of My Recovery & Medical Fraud in Mazatlan? You be the Judge.

If you want to pay the going rate at a hospital in Mazatlán: don’t have insurance. “Insurance” is the buzzword that will make your experience very expensive. And by expensive I mean each charge is inflated 6-23x what it should be charged. I note that in working to resolve this that Blue Cross of Idaho was by far the most helpful, but the billing department at Sharp completely ignored my comments/requests, and MedX Global misdirected and failed to follow through on commitments and generally were non-transparent, seeming to be intentionally hiding the truth of their behavior.
